
Newsletter 2019

Hi! I greet you in the good name of the Lord to the co-worker who supports us materially and spiritually for Team Boaz. Every time I write a mission letter, I feel that time is like flowing water. It seems that time is running fast without much done. "Save the time. The time is "evil" (Ephesians 5:16). The Greek word translated about "time" is "kairos". In short, qualitative time, it means 'the opportunity God has given.' The Greek word "exagorazo" translated about "save" means to buy back things sold to others. The Greek word translated about 'time' is 'Hemerai', which means the quantitative time of 'days' ('days'), or 'kronos', since it is the plural of 'hamera' which means 'day'. And the meaning of 'evil' is being under the control of Satan.
In other words, it means that these days, in which we are living, are all under the control of Satan (Chronos) and this time sold to Satan and under its control must be bought back with the precious opportunity (Kairos) God gave. Namely, it means that we should not let our daily lives be under the control of Satan, but live with God in daily life in the right relationship with our neighbours. Once you have interpreted the words in this way, it is true that you are more discouraged. I have a feeling that it is an impossible realization for me because I know my weakness. But God knows me better than anyone, so He does not make any unreasonable demand. If I just confess my weakness and admit His greatness, He gives me strength to win in me and makes me alive.
The Sumber kasih preschool and the Saptu Ceria afterschool are steadily operated as usual. The greatest reason for these two ministries could be done for more than five years is that all of the volunteer teachers, the core of this ministry, are students who are studying at the local seminary. When I first settled in Indonesia for business missionary work, I had no idea how to start my ministry. The business was just beginning, so I was unable to start missionary work, but it was the opportunity that an Indonesian missionary who finished doctoral course at Talbot seminary, where I studied, contacted me on Facebook.
One day I visited the place where the missionary was working, and it was a seminary in Indonesia. While I was sharing about how I was called as a business mission, not a general ministry, I realized that one of the seminary students was about to start a kindergarten in the slums for her practical training (it is obligatory for seminary students to practice training for one year after finishing the third grade) and needed supporters. Although the company was operated in a deficit in the early stage, it was the ministry that Teamboaz was supposed to do, so I decided to support the preschool with faith in God's preparations. Now, Teamboaz has expanded the support to Saptu Ceria Afterschool project which, every Saturday, about 20 seminarians visit 5 villages and teach children of after school classroom.
If I had to do this alone, I wouldn't have started even now after five years elapsed. The business, too, would have been postponed by lack of stability. Through this experience, I have realized God, who is ahead of us and planning all things and awaiting a just obedient worker, and that what we should do is not planning a ministry but the obedience to give our life to Him.


Teamboaz Sabtu Ceria Sabtu Gembira ISF Charity Fellowship

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