Greetings to the co-workers who always pray for Team Boaz.
Do you remember what we talked about during the ministry sharing in the first quarter of 2019? "Redeem the time, because the days are evil." (Ep. 5:16). I ruminated on the meaning of this word in the original text again. I shared that it means to buy back the time (Kronos) in this world sold to Satan with a precious opportunity (Kairos) given by God.
Using this word as a mirror, during the past 2nd and 3rd quarters, I spent the given time as a precious opportunity to carry out the ministry that God commanded me to do, not to be taken away by Satan. I highly encourage you to always remember this word and live each day worthwhile.
In this sharing, I would like to briefly share what God has given me as a new challenge since the beginning of this year.
Early this year, while praying early in the morning, He suddenly made me deeply meditate on the word, “Always rejoice.” When I think about it, the command to ‘pray without ceasing’ and ‘give thanks in all circumstances’ leads me to the realization that living a life of faith in this harsh world is impossible without prayer. The moment you realize God's love and grace, you will have a heart of gratitude for everything. This is a confession that can sometimes be heard even from the mouths of people of other religions.
However, I realized that I had never really meditated on the command to ‘rejoice always’. When I meditated on it, it was an exceedingly difficult command to put into practice. Prayer comes naturally during hardship, and when we realize that many things are freely given, we live with gratitude for everything. So, in fact, it is not that difficult to pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances.
However, always rejoicing does not work with ordinary faith. Rejoicing in any circumstance is a much bigger challenge than being grateful in any circumstance. The faith that can always rejoice came to me as if it were a state of faith that I had never experienced before. “How can I always be happy?” This is the assignment God has given me for 2019.
It is already October 2019. 2019 is less than 3 months away. Faith to obey God's word to always rejoice. I am walking the journey of faith today, hoping that God will be with me with His power and grace in any situation and that I will be able to rejoice in all the moments and events that will come.
On May 27th, the 4th graduation ceremony was held at Sumber Kasih Daycare Center. At the first graduation ceremony, 6 students graduated, but in the 5th year of opening, 20 students graduated. The secret to the growth of our Sumber Kasih Daycare Center was the hard work and dedication of the local seminary students who work hard every year as teachers at the daycare center.
The graduation ceremony was held in the Seminary Auditorium with all the graduates' families and friends in attendance. It was a great encouragement to see a mother come out as a representative of the parents of graduates and shed tears of emotion while delivering her message of thanks. I was incredibly grateful to God for allowing me, a lowly person, to participate in such a precious work of God.
1. Please pray for the qualitative and quantitative growth of Chrombit. We want to be a model for good companies that provide good jobs, and we want Chrombit to be a channel of blessing. Through the services provided by Chrombit, we want to improve the quality of life in Indonesia.
2. Please pray for employees to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in their work life. Since the gospel preached by life, not by words, is the most effective tool for spreading the gospel, intercession is urgently needed for me to live well as an example of faith.
3. Please pray for the future growth of 3D printer manufacturing and distribution and 3D printing service, which are the future source of income for Chrombit. We are looking for good investors and partners.
4. Through TeamBoaz Ministries, I want Chrombit employees to feel the joy of serving with their skills. And more than anything else, I want them to encounter the gospel of Jesus Christ in this process.
5. Please pray that I can play the role of head of the Indonesian branch of ISF (International Student Council), having my career in Indonesia, and can continue to network with those graduates who will represent Korea so that I can do various activities with them to promote the good things about Korea.
Guidance on Patronage
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by
your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We
look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on
the effect of our mission.
In Korea
- Account Holder: 팀보아즈 (Team Boaz)
- Bank: 하나은행
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
In Indonesia
- Account Holder: Yayasan Agape Wesley Indonesia
- Bank: Bank Mandiri
- Acct. No.: 120 00 1101771 7
From brother in Jesus Christ,
Isaiah Choongsil Lee
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Greetings in the name of Immanuel God being always with your children. May Jesus Christ’s love and grace be full in the life of co-workers who pray for Team Boaz whenever it reminds.
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