Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ to TeamBoaz’ supporters!
During the third quarter too, TeamBoaz has done the kindergarten service, after school service, teaching seminary students for IT classes, and the medical missionary work. From human perspective, my business capacity is still too short to support all the works that TeamBoaz burdens. So, it creates fear in actuality. Nevertheless, it’s true that I confront the miracle of Five Breads & Two Fish and God’s living.
It has been two years since my sole business started after separation from the first business partner in Indonesia. The start-up incubating center, which was set up with my first business partner, could not succeed. However, it has made me experience Indonesian markets and set up a personal network during the period of partnership. This period is essential for me to handle the sole business.
In retrospect, it is recognized that every moment has been thoroughly prepared by God and convinced that the future will surely be proceeded in God’s planned schedule. I could get to know that, only when we obey to His scheduled plan, we can experience His living and His interference in actuality. Therefore, my effort in everyday life is to confirm if I am a branch that sticks to the vine, the Lord.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
In this quarter Chrombit made better achievement than in the 2nd quarter by having obtained several orders for web-site development projects. One thing to be regretted is that we missed an inquiry for production from a large client taken into our serious consideration. As a still new comer in the market, obtaining orders from well informed clients is helpful for us to raise our brand awareness. There must have been some insufficient parts in our business activity.
Chrombit is now in preparation for developing the market of 3D printing industry in cooperation with a Korean manufacturer of 3D printer. At the advent of small quantity batch production, it’s fortunate to get together with a reliable producer with good technology and in Indonesia the 3D printing industry is still in its infancy. To seize this opportunity for market development we are now under full preparation.
Though it is not as easy as expected for mCash to attract franchises, the number of new merchants is in steady increase and transactions made by mCash continue to increase either. To increase the number of mCash transaction, we are holding such a promotional event as Buy1 Get1. Meanwhile, it’s worried if the increase would continue even after the event stops.
While mobilizing the franchises, I accumulate a lot of the local networks. This is helpful to Chrombit either, since we occasionally encounter such franchises as ask about the web-site production and the design of an ad. Through mCash business, the networks with Chinese Christians are widened in particular.
The meeting with these Chinese Christians has led to smooth sharing of TeamBoaz’s mission. Recently I met a young Chinese businessman, who gave a testimony of redemption from his heroin addiction by God’s healing, and now we are in relationship of faith. In God’s planned guidance like these meetings, the networks for not only business but also missionary partnership are solidly being built up.
In this 3rd quarter the volunteers dispatched from Seungbok Church took part in the kindergarten service and the medical mission service.
The medical mission work, having started in the last 2nd quarter, is to be done quarterly due to matters like budget, mobilization of volunteers and etc. In this quarter, it was held on Aug 25 at the Pondok Agape Seminary in Tangerang supported by Seungbok Church. About 120 residents in poor villages came and received internal and dental treatments.
Two internal medicine doctors in this service are the graduates from the college of medicine of Universitas Plita Harapan (UPH; in interpretation, Light of Hope University). And the other two dentists are affiliated to Christian Medical Doctors’ Association, charged with medical mission Through this medical mission event, the local missionary network in Indonesia has been secured and it will surely give lots of help for the future missionary work.
ISF in Indonesia for Indonesian students studying in South Korea is held here in Indonesia. Since the event held in last July, it continues monthly (Aug and Sep). The participants are not many, but those having time get together and share with each other the memory kept in S. Korea, enjoying Korean food and making closer relation. Indonesians are fond of hot food also and therefore, they like very much Korean food.
1. Please pray for the growth of Chrombit, which wants to become a model of good enterprise that supplies good jobs and to be a path to blessings. It is desired that Indonesian’s quality of life may improve by virtue of the products and services provided by Chrombit. Your prayer is requested for the growth in both quality and volume of the enterprise.
2. Please pray that our workers will be able to experience Jesus Christ’s love and grace at the job sites. Ministering Gospel by living is more effective than that by words. Your intercessory prayer is, therefore, requested for me to live out as a model of true Christianity.
3. As the users of mCash can easily make continuous use of it when the franchisees of mCash increase, please pray that the mobilization of the franchisees can be smoothly accomplished.
4. It is desirable that, through Team Boaz’s service, staffs could enjoy the pleasure welling up in the services with their skills. First of all, it’s desired that they should contact Jesus Christ Gospel. Please pray for this.
5. Please pray that I can fully cope with the role of the branch manager of ISF(International Students Forum) in Indonesia, keeping steadfast network with graduates to represent Korea and to build their career in Indonesia, and together with them, can do various activities to publicize Korea in Indonesia.
Guidance on Patronage
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by
your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We
look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on
the effect of our mission.
In Korea
- Account Holder: (Team Boaz)
- Bank: Hana Bank
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
In Indonesia
- Account Holder: Yayasan Agape Wesley Indonesia
- Bank: KEB Hana Bank
- Acct. No.: 220 201 1465
From brother in Jesus Christ,
Isaiah Choongsil Lee
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